FS.BYOD Instructions (macOS)

How to connect to FS.BYOD on a macOS device:


  1. Go to the WiFi menu and select the network FS.BYODbyod1.png 
  2.  In a few seconds, a window will pop up asking you to sign in with Google. Enter your Friends Seminary email address and password. byod2.png
  3.  If you have 2-step verification enabled on your account, approve the sign-in and select I have responded from my phonebyod3.png
  4. In a few moments, you will see the Friends Seminary website load. This means you are now successfully connected to the WiFi. 



If you receive an error message that says Do you want to allow this page to open Chrome (or Safari)?  Click Allow, then restart your computer. After you’ve restarted, go back to step 1.





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