Parents: How to log into the Friends Seminary website using Blackbaud ID

If you have already set up your Blackbaud ID, follow the instructions below to log into the Friends Seminary Website.


  1. Go to and click on the Login button at the top right.Screen_Shot_2022-07-14_at_10.08.13_AM.png
  2. Enter your full email address and click Next. Screen_Shot_2022-07-14_at_10.08.49_AM.png
  3. At the Blackbaud ID log in page, if you have connected your Google account or Apple ID account with your Blackbaud ID, click on the Sign in with Google or Sign in with Apple button. If you have not connected your Blackbaud ID with your Google or Apple, enter in your full email address and password and click Sign In.Screenshot 2024-02-09 at 2.41.53 PM.png


Note: If you need to reset your password, follow these instructions to reset your password.


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