Noke Pro Instructions

Noke Pro Instructions


  1. Send a helpdesk ticket ( to request the carts to which you need access.
  2. Once your request has been processed, you will receive an email from Noke containing a link that will activate your account and redirect you to the Noke Pro website.
  3. Download the Noke Pro app from the App Store. (This is different from the regular Noke app.)
  4. Sign in to the app using Friends Seminary as your company, your email address, and your Noke Pro password.
  5. To view the list of locks/carts you have access to, tap on the lock icon on the lower left of your screen. If the desired carts/locks do not appear, please request access via Helpdesk.

To open a lock…

  1. Make sure your bluetooth is turned on.
  2. Squeeze the shackle of the lock. A blue square will appear when the connection is verified.

  1. Tap on the blue square to unlock; the lock on screen will turn green once unlocked.


  1. Please remember to lock the carts when not in use.



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