Jabber install for iOS

Step 1: Install the Jabber client from the Apple Store


Step 2: Once installed, open the Jabber application and log in using your full Friends email address

Step 3: Enter the password you use to log in your work computer

Step 4: If prompted to update credentials, select Update

Step 5: Enter your username (just first initial and last name do not enter @friendsseminary.org) and the password you use to log into your computer

That's it! The system should now be online and working.

  • The GREEN dot in the upper left indicates the system is connected and online.
  • Jabber MUST be running to receive calls.  However, it does NOT need to be on the screen.
  • Calling out works exactly as if calling out to an external number, the system requires dialing 9-1-212-555-1212 (eg).
    • Dialing an extension can be done with just 4-digits.
  • If you have a device other than an iPhone (iPad or Android) we need to configure a different profile - please note this when contacting us.
  • If there is difficulty logging in, please contact the helpdesk


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