How to Sign On to FS.GUEST

The FS.GUEST network provides basic access to the internet for on-campus visitors.  If you are a faculty or staff member that needs WiFi on a personal device, please do not use FS.GUEST. 


Step 1: Select the WiFi Network FS.GUEST




Step 2: When the Guest Portal opens, select the link that says “Click here to setup a guest account”


Step 3:  Enter your first name, last name and email address and select “Register”



Step 4: Next, click Sign On.  Please make note of the username and password generated. You can use these credentials to sign on to the Guest WiFi in the future.



Step 5: Accept the Terms and Conditions


Step 6: After a few moments, you will see a message that says, “Success.”   You are now connected to the WiFi network.


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